Of all music notation programs, LilyPond produces the most beautiful results. Because it works differently than most graphical programs, it is relatively rarely used. Many musicians, like many people, have little affinity for computers and related technology, but still want to use a music notation program. They usually choose a more practical alternative for convenience. Unfortunately, the visual result of this is often not very attractive (and sometimes downright ugly). Because I have a background in both music (conservatory) and scripting (Python etc.), I am the right person to perfectly notate your sheet music in Lilypond. Complete sheet music with a clear but calm appearance, such as with LilyPond, is not only beautiful to look at, but also gives the musician the opportunity to focus on what matters: making music! Here is how the developers of LilyPond explain it.
LilyPond (an open-source application) does not have a graphical user interface itself. This means that you cannot click on it with a mouse, for example to drag noteheads, or select a key or time signature from a drop-down menu. You have to type a script letter by letter yourself, which in many ways resembles computer programming. LilyPond then "reads" that script and compiles a pdf file with the musical notation from it. Various program components communicate with each other in the background to ensure that the different elements such as noteheads, beams, articulation marks and text do not touch each other, and the result is always beautiful and perfectly readable. Typing such a script is extremely precise, and a misplaced space or comma can already cause problems. On the other hand, once you are experienced, you can really display EVERYTHING in your musical notation, from classical musical notation to colored clusters and figures for modern scores. If you have written a melody yourself, or for example a text on an existing one, and you want beautiful sheet music from it, please contact me!